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Hydrafacial® Treatment in Illinois

Skinovatio Medical Spa provides Hydrafacial® treatment to residents of Illinois. This state-of-the-art facial is skin purifying, moisturizing, and cleansing all in one. Not only do these facials clear away dead skin cells, but they also loosen pores and prep them for extraction. Using a mixture of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and botanical extracts, the Hydrafacial® puts itself high above the rest regarding facials. You’ll be able to enjoy healthier and younger-looking skin after just one Hydrafacial® treatment. Keep reading to learn more about the Hydrafacial® and its benefits.

Hydrafacial Skin Treatment in Illinois

What Is a Hydrafacial®?

A Hydrafacial® is a powerful, non-invasive skin-resurfacing treatment. The Hydrafacial® combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection. It is truly the one-stop-shop facial treatment. The Hydrafacial® is virtually painless, has no downtime, and is effective even on sensitive skin types. This cosmetic treatment can efficiently remove dead skin cells and impurities while simultaneously delivering moisturizing serums to the skin. This treatment is fast and efficient.

The Benefits of Hydrafacial® Treatments

Not only does this fast and efficient treatment provide instantaneous results, but there’s no downtime necessary, either. Hydrafacial® treatments utilize patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate the skin. This facial’s super serums are made with nourishing ingredients for the ultimate glow. Hydrafacial® benefits include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Suitable for All Skin Types – The Hydrafacial® is suitable for all skin types and can be used on skin that is oily and acne-prone, dry and flaky, or a combination of oily and dry. This state-of-the-art facial is even designed so those with sensitive skin can safely enjoy multiple sessions.
  • Gentle on the Skin – Even though Hydrafacial® treatment involves both exfoliation and extraction, it is gentle on and non-irritating to the skin. Its hydrating serums ensure that those who opt for it are left with smooth and radiant skin.
  • No Downtime – Not only does the Hydrafacial® only take about 30 minutes, but there is no necessary downtime after treatment. Skin texture is improved immediately after this treatment. You can also wear makeup and resume normal activities immediately after treatment.
  • Can Be Customized – Like most cosmetic treatments, the Hydrafacial® is not a one-size-fits-all-treatment. This high-end facial treatment can be tailored to fit your unique needs and aesthetic goals. We can also add skin boosters and adjust the vacuum’s suction power.
  • Can Be Combined With Other Treatments – Because the Hydrafacial® is a non-invasive treatment, it can be combined with other skincare treatments, such as injectables and non-ablative laser treatment. We want to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Our Hydrafacial® Technique

On average, our aestheticians can perform this treatment in about 30 minutes. This treatment begins with an initial consultation to determine the products and add-ons best suited for your unique needs and aesthetic goals. Our Hydrafacial® technique will see your aesthetician cleaning, exfoliating, extracting, hydrating, nourishing, and protecting your skin. Each of these aspects of the Hydrafacial® can be customized. Our clients can also add dermaplaning, boosting serums, steam, massages, and skin brighteners to their Hydrafacial® treatment if they choose.

Contact Us Today About Hydrafacial® Treatment

If you’re looking for a facial that can cleanse, extract, and hydrate your skin, a home facial just won’t cut it. We recommend our clients schedule a Hydrafacial® treatment with us once every four to six weeks for optimal results. To schedule an initial consultation with one of our highly-skilled aestheticians or to learn more about Hydrafacial® treatment and what it can do for you and your skin, contact us today.

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